Monday, September 13, 2010

Anaylsis of Inception Posters

Above are two established Magazine front covers featuring Inception, both focus on the main character Leonardo DiCaprio as the centre point aswell as focusing on the movie itself. Both set their layout of the cover in an inception theme and everything that has nothing to do with the movie is still incorporated with the theme as the 1st picture shows, the features in the magazine follow the theme of the front cover. Total Film use the title as the architecture of the film which i think makes the cover so good, it does however take some of the focus of the character where as Empire focuses more on DiCaprio

The two pictures above shows the intertextuality between the "Inception" and "Dark Knight" movie posters, they both share similarities down to the auteur theory as both films where directed by Christopher Nolan and produced by Warner Bros. Inception features Leonardo DiCaprio the main character in the movie in the centre of the poster with buildings to the side of him, Dark Knight features similar buildings to the side of the Main Villain Heath Ledger which again is the main focus of the poster. Both posters have rather dark and grim colours and both actors in the posters have their back to the audience showing that they are focusing on the architecture of the city.

Above are the various posters for the movie inception, as you can see they are quite similar and have a similar layout continuing throughout the posters. The three posters all follow a comparable theme for example, there is a blend of blue in all the posters and each has a bizarre scenery which is relevant to the movie. This will grab the attention of the audience and will make them interested in the movie with these unusual posters. The main character in the film, Leonardo Dicaprio is the main focus in all the three posters aswell as his name appearing at the top of each poster, this lets the audience aware of the main actors in the movie. In all 3 of the posters a gun is featured in the hand of an actor weather it's Dicaprio or another character, this gives off a feeling to the audience that there may be a lot of action in the movie. All 3 of the posters have the title of the film "Inception" near the bottom of the page and in the colour red, the main actor in the film is always at the top too in a bolder font from the rest of the writing on the posters. Their is also a tagline in each of the posters saying "Your mind is the scene of the crime" this gives a suspense to the film aswell as as leaving the audience puzzled to what this could mean.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Inception Trailers

This is the teaser trailer for Inception, although it focuses on the architecture and Leonardo Dicaprio for most of the trailer, it doesn't give too much away and only shows one or two action scenes. It's hard to give it a specific genre. Due to it being a teaser trailer their are a lot of quick cuts and suspense to attract audiences to wanting more which i think the trailer definitely achieved.

This is the offical trailer and focuses more on the architecture and Leonardo Dicaprio than what the teaser trailer did, it also focuses on more of the actors in the film such as Michael Caine, Marion Cotillard and Ellen Page. It also shows enough footage to maybe give the movie a genre, when i first viewed the trailer i would of gave it an Action/Adventure. It shows much more action scenes in trailer 2 and gives off more of the story to give audiences an idea of what the movie is about. Both of the trailers focus on Christopher Nolan directing Inception and have Dicaprio narrating the start of the trailer. The 2nd trailer also focuses on Nolan directing the Dark Knight, this was used to the movie being such a huge success a lot of people will want to see Inception if it's directed by the same person.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Here is one of many inception trailers, trailers are a huge part of the advertisement process that films go through. This is the 2nd inception trailer warner bros brought out aswell as teaser trailers. Trailers main purpose is to let the audience know about the film and to get them excited it also lets the audience know, when it's coming out and the main actors in the movie. The trailer has a lot of quick cuts, this is to make the film look much more exciting. You can normally tell from successful trailers what the genre is, judging by the inception trailer it's a Action/Thriller.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Brief Description

For our A2 coursework we have to produce and market a blockbuster movie for "L31 Productions" that will be released in December 2010, the movie is following the tradistion of Blockbusters being released around the winter dates. I will be completing this within a team which consists of Alex Francis and Daniel Johnson.
We have to produce:

- 2 minute movie trailer or two 60 second trailers, our group have decided to do a 2 minute trailer.

- Front cover of a movie magazine and a movie poster